How to (FULLY) Recover from PTSD

We have seen levels of PTSD in every client that comes through our door. All of them have a history of trauma. The world is now discovering more about PTSD during this worldwide pandemic. For many, this is a life-threatening event, either health-wise or financially - and even spiritually.

Isolation is not good for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Feelings of hopelessness, stress, and confusion cause people to deviate from their normal habits and go into crisis mode. Crisis means the fight/flight mode has emerged. The results of this increased suffering is causing on-going is an explosion of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, addictions and suicide.

We should not get stuck on names like PTSD. When we do, we risk alienating the low and high-end intensities of this condition because the higher intensities are so severe as to render the label as inappropriate and even misleading. The lower intensities can be ignored because PTSD can easily become a ‘junk diagnosis’ leading to this very serious condition being easily dismissed by society and that’s not good for anyone.

A veteran friend of mine, Boone Cutler, showed me how important it is to see PTSD as a ‘Spectrum Disorder’ much like how autism is now understood – that there is a wide range of symptoms and their intensities which cause us to use a higher level of discernment when considering and evaluation the nature of this type of suffering. Boone's journey of pain and suffering made it so clear that a uni-dimensional approach to PTSD is counterproductive. His wartime injuries during his multiple tours from 2005 to 2006 included 2 Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI’s) from mortar explosions and kinetic head trauma from a fall, substantial damage to both knees, left shoulder injury, six shoulder surgeries.

Stateside, his issues included medications such as benzodiazepines, Ambien, chloral hydrate, morphine, all of which only worsened his brain damage, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, polycythemia, a total of 7 shoulder surgeries. Additionally, a divorce and all the suffering that goes with that. During his 2-year hospital stay at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in DC 2006-2008, his "treatment" consisted of multiple drug regimens while bedridden and he could only watch TV to pass the time. It is a crime that he and our vets are treated in this manner.

In one of his books, he outlines how he and soldiers like him cannot relate to a stateside story of how a traumatic event leads to PTSD and how such a person cannot relate to a journey like his. He is the author of Spartan Pledge where he describes that trying not to die from suicide is a big part of their communities’ agenda. And it’s working: the vet suicide rate has declined from 26 to 21 per day. Yeah, that’s a per day death rate which is a testament to the overwhelming degree of their fight with PTSD.

Don Wittig is a client of ours who was diagnosed with “double PTSD” when he returned from a two-year military tour in Vietnam. Watch the video below to hear his about how calibration was the answer to his recovery.

"Since [completing the calibration program],
my life has been incredible free from stress, guilt,
and all of the things that bind your soul,
that keep you from living and enjoying life."

To understand why we feel confident that the Rubenstein Method is a technology that allows all types of PTSD to be fully healed, it is important to understand the model of treatment used and why it works.

PTSD lives throughout the brain and body including the muscles, joints, fascia, and organs. But its physical address is inside the brain within its processing centers for memory. It is located both in the cells and in the neuronal interactions – what is referred to as “diffuse location” meaning everywhere in the brain. I found a brain program I call the Ideal Motion Template. It is a fix-it program that apparently animates only during the physical process of Calibration. Four neuroscientists have confirmed its existence via EEG scans. The Ideal Motion Template reorganizes the brain patterns electrically and chemically in such a way as to optimize functions of muscles and memory, but most notably of how it processes trauma and stress. This is the key to its success. It is a means to get the brain to re-organize itself with extreme speed and depth. The result is it decides to stop the re-traumatization of traumatic experiences such that stress and drama is removed leaving depersonalized memory, absent of stress reactions of any kind.

The Seesaw Effect – the Two Modes for Stress or Calm (Relaxation)

Our nervous system has two mutually exclusive reflexive reactions: 1) the “Fight/Flight” reaction (or stress) OR 2) the “Calm and Clear” relaxation reflex. They are mutually exclusive. That means when one is rising the other is decreasing. If calm is increasing stress is decreasing. If stress is increasing calm is declining.

• Fight or Flight - This reaction is actually a reflex, not a reaction. The term reaction includes the notion of ‘choice.’ The problem is that reflexes are beyond our ability to choose because it is the nature of reflex to be automatic. For example: If you see a lion running at you, your heart rate will immediately quicken dramatically. It is automatic. Your breathing will alter toward a rapid, deep chest breath and the primary system of the diaphragm is immediately shut off. Its automatic. You don t get to vote. Your eyelids will open to their maximum immediately. Its automatic.

• Relation Reflex - The opposite reflex to the Fight/Fight reflex is called the “Relation Reflex” and is equally automatic. The idea that we have a choice in the matter is just as false here. We prove that every day by simply resetting the stress reflex physically. In doing so, stress is not only relieved immediately, but also the brain-body machinery that causes the triggering of the fight or flight reflex in the first place.

Resetting the Stress Reflex

We use methods to down-regulate the point at which stress reflexes occur meaning that instead of having a stress reaction to every manner of trigger like traffic and someone being late to a meeting with you. Rather things stop bothering you and over time fewer experiences can trigger you to a stress reaction until nearly nothing can. During which time your brain and body recover from the past issues. “Like water off a ducks back,” all life’s difficult experiences become data to be considered instead of reacted to with DEFCON intensities. Additionally, the state of calm pervades most of life’s challenging situations which takes some getting used to. Now enter effective sleep that leaves you energized and refreshed so that your body and brain do their jobs competently.

Here at the Rubenstein Wellness Center, we specialize in the physical conditions of stress (stress physiology). By correcting the physical properties of breathing, muscle function, and triggering the brain relaxation reflexes, the brain-body can be re-booted literally speaking. The original default brain-body programs that promote good health and restful sleep allow the re-boot to become the operating program such that ongoing treatment is not needed. By limiting our focus onto the physicality of PTSD, addictions, anxiety, depression and others, a robust solution is found that is “Durable.” It stays fixed or healed with very little maintenance. This is a true achievement for our society as a whole.

Over a short time this dual approach dampens the stress reflexes in the body such as tension and body pain. Simultaneously, Calibration generates several relaxation reflexes like a calm and stable emotional profile instead of the roller coaster. Next, we generate mental clarity and the ability to focus well for sustained periods of time. I firmly believe this is a totally precious asset to every one of us. This one-two punch leads to resilience. The reason resilience is crucial is that the hits from life will not stop. Life is tough and that never changes. But when we are resilient, we have a means to deal with life’s challenges. Therefore, there is ample reason for hope and encouragement in the form of Calibration to render PTSD a thing in your past.

If you are unsure as to where you are on the PTSD spectrum and are interested in learning more, please fill out our online assessment form and we will contact you to schedule a free phone consultation.
