Dr. David’s Rules: The Rule #11

I developed a set of personal rules during my twenties and thirties. There are 31 Rules. Let me be clear that these rules reflect my personal view on a given phenomenon and in no way should be construed as the truth. They are just rules for life hard won and understood so I tend to hold to them tightly.

One of these Rules, #11 reads: 

“During the holiday season from late November thru early February, the general population is temporarily insane.” Now, I use this rule to modify my own psychology, not theirs. In other words, I give people extra room because they are going to do more really dumb and rude things than usual. These are times when they need the extra room because they are in a higher state of overwhelm than usual. Why? Because the Holiday Season is synonymous with family relationships and childhood memories and trauma. Of course, the media types we encounter put a lot of lipstick on what for many people is definitely a pig.
